Harassment Policy

Issued:  December 5, 2019

Policy Statement:
Each of the Artistic Director, Staff Members, Board Members and every other member of Studio 180 Theatre (“Studio 180”) intend for Studio 180 to be a place where people are safe, proud and happy to work at all times, in all of its programming at all venues. Studio 180 does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any type, at any time for any reason.  In support of this, Studio 180 expressly prohibits any form of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, defined under the Ontario Human Rights Code, and any form of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment, as defined by the Ontario Occupational Health & Safety Act.  For greater certainty, see the attached definitions of “Unlawful Discrimination”, “Harassment” and “Sexual Harassment”.

Anyone working with or otherwise collaborating with Studio 180 Theatre (“Studio 180”) in any capacity whatsoever (including but not limited to audience members, independent contractors, visitors, volunteers or patrons), and at any venue whatsoever, who has a complaint or dispute of any kind regarding discrimination or harassment of any type should feel safe and free from any recrimination or reprisal at all times.  We welcome and want your concerns to be heard. Any such complaints should be directed to the Stage Manager of the applicable production. If any person with such a complaint believes that reporting to the Stage Manager is not sufficient or satisfactory under the circumstances (or if any person with a complaint is not directly involved in a production), any such person is encouraged to contact any or all of the people on the list of Studio 180 Staff Members and Board Members below.

Staff Members
General Manager, Laura Pomeroy  
Artistic Director, Joel Greenberg  

Board Members
Matthew Emek
Helgi Maki           

Because Studio 180 wishes to ensure that no lodged grievance ever “disappears”, any board member or staff member listed above who is contacted by any person (or by the Stage management) regarding notification of a complaint or dispute of any type has been instructed and has agreed to let everyone else on the above list know the nature of the complaint within 24 hours of receipt of notification.  This process will ensure that key members of Studio 180 are informed of any such complaint or dispute from the outset, so appropriate steps can then be taken to deal with any such discrimination or harassment as appropriate in the circumstances. Any complaints filed in connection with this Policy will be investigated in a timely manner.  The actual determination of the appropriate approach to such investigation of any violation of this Policy and can be made only in the context of a particular case, in accordance with fair procedures. To the extent possible, information gathered during the complaint reporting and/or investigation process will be kept confidential by Studio 180.  Disclosure of information may however be required for the investigation or resolution process, or otherwise by applicable laws.  

Complaints about Canadian Actor’s Equity Association (“Equity”) rule or policy violations should be lodged with the Stage Manager for the relevant production, who in turn will let Studio 180’s General Manager know immediately.  We also ask that you contact Equity concurrently (i.e. at the same time) (416 867 9165) to inform them of the nature of any discrimination or harassment complaint filed, and advise them that a complaint has been filed with us. For your own protection, we suggest that any person lodging a complaint do so in writing, so that a clear trail of documents can be established.  

Studio 180 reserves the right to amend this policy at any time as required.  This policy will be reviewed as often as is necessary and, at a minimum, annually. 

Concluding Policy Statement:
We want Studio 180 to be a place where people are safe, proud and happy to work. Studio 180 is aware that its educational “In Class” programming, during which artist educators provide educational programs to students, means that we have a special responsibility to both exhibit and model respectful, dignified treatment of all persons, at all times, in all venues.  We intend to accommodate and support specialized needs regarding the avoidance of the risk of harassment in any production involving fight scenes, intimacy scenes or actors who are minors. If you see a need for additional support of this nature in a particular production, please provide a request for this support (and details regarding your request). It is our intention to create a culture at Studio 180 free from discrimination and harassment.  So we do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind. Ever. Period!


Unlawful Discrimination Prohibited grounds of discrimination with respect to employment are defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code as being: race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, marital status, family status or disability. 

Harassment means “engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.” Harassment includes sexual harassment and workplace sexual harassment. 

Harassment based on any of the prohibited grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code is considered discrimination. Other forms of workplace harassment are considered inappropriate and detrimental to a positive working environment and will not be tolerated. 

Examples of harassment may include, but may not be limited to: 
a) unwelcome, offensive, or intimidating remarks, jokes, insults, nicknames, innuendo, or taunting; 
b) bullying or aggressive behaviour; 
c) repeated offensive or intimidating phone calls, emails, texts, or postings on social media sites; 
d) displaying or circulating posters, notices, bulletins, or electronic photos which may cause offence and encourage discrimination, or create a hostile environment; 
e) racial or ethnic slurs, and use of terminology that reinforces stereotypes based on prohibited grounds; abuse of supervisory authority that endangers a person’s employment, work performance or interferes or negatively influences the person’s career. This includes misuses of power including intimidation, threats, blackmail and coercion; 
g) public humiliation or degrading behaviour to a subordinate or co-worker; 
h) swearing at, or yelling at a subordinate or co-worker in an aggressive manner; 
i) continuing onstage behaviour (as part of character portrayal) outside of the rehearsal or performance context. 

What is not considered harassment: 
a) reasonable action or conduct by a inanager or supervisor relating to the management and direction of workers or the workplace, even if there are possible unpleasant consequences for a worker (eg. disciplinary action, performance management, changes to schedules or duties, implementation of policies, etc.); 
b) differences of opinion or disagreements between co-workers which are handled respectfully. 

Sexual Harassment 

Sexual harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome; or making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome. In a theatrical context, sexual harassment also includes one, or a series of, comments or conduct of a gender-related or sexual nature, outside the boundaries of consent or production context (rehearsal or performance context). 

Specific examples may include, but may not be limited to: 
a) unwelcome, offensive, or intimidating remarks, jokes, innuendoes, or taunting about a person’s body, attire or sex; 
b) practical jokes of a sexual nature which cause awkwardness or embarrassment; 
c) displaying pornographic pictures, posters, graffiti or other offensive material; 
d) questions or comments about an individual’s sexual preferences or gender identity; 
e) leering (suggestive staring) or other obscene or suggestive gestures; 
f) unwanted sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions; 
g) unwanted physical contact including touching, kissing, patting and pinching; 
h) persistent unwanted contact or attention following the end of a consensual relationship; 
i) conduct such as stalking
j) attempting to engage in sexual behaviour, comment or conduct offstage that is specifically choreographed for the stage and/or is part of a character portrayal.