IN CLASS Feedback

“The production of The Nether was incredible, and added so much to my own understanding and interpretation of the play…. Fantastic, challenging material – exactly what we’d want the students to be seeing…. Congratulations on delivering a truly wonderful play to us.” – Mita Bhattacharyya (English Teacher, Crescent School)
“… it felt like you were in the story. The plot twist at the end of The Nether blew my mind. I enjoyed it because it was nothing like I’d seen before.” – Grade 12 Drama Student
“Wow! What a truly moving art exhibit and a powerful production [My Name is Asher Lev]! A perfect pairing! Congratulations to the Martingrove students who created the personal and reflective artwork exhibit in the lobby space. It was fascinating to listen to the audience responding to the art and really wonderful to hear the students speak about what it meant to them to create their work. Congratulations to Studio 180 on this production. Such a moving story, so beautifully directed and brought to life by your very committed and captivating performers. – Tracy Thomson (Central Lead Teacher, The Arts, K-12, TDSB)
“We were sorry to miss the talk back, but I can tell you that the bus back to school was buzzing with talk of My Name is Asher Lev and the art display – they were really engaged with the story of the play and the issues it raised really resonated with them.” – Jennifer Archer (Guidance, Martingrove CI, TDSB)
“My favourite scene [in King Charles III] was the beginning of act two right after the intermission. I thought that the tableau was very impactful… the use of levels and dynamics was amazing to see. The lighting and music really enhanced the play to the next level…” – Grade 10 Drama Student
“NSFW was the first play that I’ve seen and it was a great experience.” – Grade 12 Drama Student
“The experience of seeing The Normal Heart and Studio 180’s educational workshops showed me different ways to communicate and engage with my students… [they] pushed me as a teacher to try new things and to be more fearless. I realized that teachers must be willing to take on new challenges if we expect our students to do the same.” – Emma Munro (English and Leadership Teacher, Marc Garneau CI, TDSB)
“I’ve seen countless plays – big extravagant musicals to one-man-shows – but there yet has been one that has woken me up like The Normal Heart… I think it’s forgotten how we need to fight for what is right still. I would adore to be a part of such an incredible, powerful and changing production. This is what theatre is suppose to be: exposing, raw and heartwarming. To teach. And this show succeeded brilliantly.” – Grade 10 High School Student
“The entire cast of the play and the experience was AMAZING. As a teacher from Brampton, ON, I feel privileged that students are open to discuss issues such as race in an open and effective way. The content of Clybourne Park helped enhance this conversation.” – Lisa Tersigni (Teacher, Notre Dame SS, DPCDSB)
“Our Class is perhaps the most powerful piece of theatre I have ever seen. I was moved beyond words, as were my astute students. They picked up on so many important aspects of the show, not only concerning the content but the production value as well. The pre-show talk and post-show talk back was excellent: informative, lively, and honest. I will continue to bring students to Studio 180 productions because I believe in the work you are doing: theatre must represent the human condition, however hopeful or deeply flawed, and must provoke and motivate social justice through change.” – Lesley Keane (Assistant Curriculum Leader, English, Media & Drama, Martingrove CI, TDSB)
“Stuff Happens was brilliantly cast and the performance brought some recent history to full life on an appropriately straightforward set with dialogue that held our young audience at all points. As a history teacher, I could not be happier with it. Today’s classes are full of discussion and questions. What an enrichment to our American history curriculum!” – Nick Szymanis (History Teacher, Havergal College)
“Kudos to all involved! This is truly what theatre is all about – its power to move people emotionally and intellectually, to stimulate discussion and open our eyes and, hopefully, its ability to change the world. Thank you, on behalf of all of my students.” – Kate Greenway (Head of Drama, Holy Trinity School, regarding The Laramie Project)
“I’m e-mailing simply to express my gratitude to you for giving me the opportunity to see this play. I enjoyed the play very much – its ups and downs, tears and laughter. Your performance was truly touching and inspiring to me and this experience shall surely stay with me forever. Again, thank you very much for this performance.” – High School Student (free outreach performance of The Laramie Project)
“I think that the high level of enthusiasm and energy you put out, combined with your ability to engage whatever the students throw at you really draws them out of their comfort zone and for this I am very grateful. It is also a treat to hear the students discussing the themes of the play with real insight and personal experience; there is something about your direct connection to the work that seems to bring this out in them.” – Julianne Hodgins (Cross Discipline Teacher, Contact Alternative School, TDSB)
“Jessica was a fantastic facilitator who was very attentive to my students and supported and praised their ideas. She tackled the very challenging play content, language and material adeptly and presented the often taboo concepts in an accessible way for all of my students. The workshop complimented this with simple yet effective activities that provoked the students imagination, sparked friendly debate, and posited many interesting questions.” – Tanya Neub (Drama Teacher, Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute, TDSB)
“I love the risks you take and the openness you have in working with and engaging some of the most challenging students… I think one of the many things I appreciate about Studio 180 is how within reach it can feel for students. I like the feeling that students can see Jessica and Mark, the actors, the playwright, and think to themselves, Huh…maybe I can do that…maybe.” – Cristal Laberee (Drama Teacher, Fletcher’s Meadow SS, Peel)
“My favourite part was that the Artist Educators were able to reinforce ideas with the students’ own language. I think this was effective because the students felt as if they were being heard and validated.” – Tali Douglas (Drama Teacher, Central Technical School, TDSB)
“Studio 180 creates a safe space for each and every student so they can explore, discover and challenge the status quo. The IN DEVELOPMENT workshops series shifts the spotlight on to the next generation of dreamers and leaders. At the core of “socially relevant theatre” is student voice. Studio 180 makes this possible.” – Logan St. Clair (Drama teacher, Louise Arbour SS, TDSB)
“The part of the workshops that will mean the most to the students is the way the Artist Educators deliver them. They are positive role models – demonstrating how adults can share leadership and engage with others in a mature, mutually respectful way. The students loved the workshops and already they are talking about next year. This has become a very important part of the drama program here at Streetsville and a tradition that I hope continues for many years to come.” – Marsha Legault (Former Curriculum Head of the Arts and Geography and Drama Teacher, Streetsville Secondary School, Peel)
“The workshops were a great extension to the Charter Law Unit in that the curriculum strives to show students that the law is not necessarily black and white when dealing with Charter Rights… The Artist Educators were very engaging and respectful of what the students were able to do. They effectively managed the class and the discussion was very productive. I honestly enjoyed the whole experience.” – Kelly Stevenson (Law Teacher, Streetsville SS, Peel)
“Our class field trip to see The Normal Heart and the associated educational workshops that Studio 180 provided were outstanding, and exceeded my expectations and hopes in terms of the students’ success with this initiative. The professionalism and creativity of the Studio 180 artist educators provided an opportunity for my students to discuss and confront significant values-based ideas, and to participate in hands-on, exciting and innovative classroom activities. I intend to continue supporting Studio 180 and their initiatives both inside and outside the classroom, as both a supporter of the arts and as a member of the educational community.” – Emma Munro (English and Leadership Teacher, Marc Garneau CI, TDSB)
“My favourite part was definitely seeing my students advocate for themselves and their thoughts, ideas and opinions when we stood in the line. It was wonderful to see them think, adapt and rethink their opinions while still staying true to themselves. They left using many of the brainstormed words to describe characters, themes and plot points in Les Misérables and it was very nice to see them using their own language to critically think about a piece of theatre.” – Meaghan Lugsdin (Drama Teacher, Centre Wellington District High School, Upper Grand District School Board. Regarding an IN CLASS workshop before Mirvish Productions’ presentation of Les Misérables.)
“I think that a lot of the time we get caught up in our own opinions, and sometimes forget that others’ opinions not only exist, but matter just as much as our own. So doing this workshop and learning about other peoples’ perspectives and why they thought a certain way brought a new depth to the experience. It showed me that people can have a lot of different opinions on things.” – Grade 11 drama student
“My favourite part of the workshop is the strongly agree and strongly disagree because we get to talk about our perspective and it felt like we have a voice.” – Grade 11 Drama Student
“My favourite part of the workshop were the activities and being able to move around the class. This not only helped me socially but was overall fun. I got to speak and complete the given activity with classmates that I have normally never spoken to, I got to know the people in my class more.” – Grade 11 Visual Art Student
“What has stuck with me the most is the notion that the main goal of conversations, or even debates, about ‘big issues’ is not to achieve consensus; rather, it’s simply to try to see the world from someone else’s point of view. We don’t all have to agree, but when we take the time to really listen to those around us we not only get a better understanding of their world but of the world in general.” – Grade 12 Drama Student
“The best part about working with Studio 180 Theatre is not only that they will touch on topics that are avoided in your day-to-day life, but that the actors are just as excited to work with you as you are with them. They interact with you on a personal and equal level and are extremely interested in your thoughts and discussing those thoughts.” – Grade 12 Drama Student
“I found the Artist Educators to be very inspiring and engaging – they allowed us to speak, gave us things to think about and share, and encouraged a dynamic of respect within the group.” – Grade 12 Leadership Student
“This experience was AWESOME!!!! It helped me look at the world differently.” – Grade 12 Drama Student
“My favourite part of the workshop was being able to talk about serious world issues and problems without any judgment.” – Grade 12 World Issues Student
“My favourite part of the workshop was making a list of what we thought of when we heard certain words like ‘Identity’ or “Straight.’ I like to see how other people think and what comes to mind. It was interesting to see the list our class had made. During the last few minutes of the last workshop, we added more words. As a class and as individuals we saw how much we had learned.” – Grade 12 Drama Student
“I really enjoyed the group discussions because I felt free and could say whatever came to mind without having to worry about my responses being wrong.” – Grade 12 Leadership Student
“I liked having the Studio 180 people come right into our classroom. It was different from a regular English class. We got to talk about the issues and then write about them ourselves later. I created a character who had HIV and wrote diary entries in her voice.” – Grade 9 English Student
“I had never done anything like this before. I liked doing the ‘Hot Seat’ activities and getting to try some acting in class. I liked playing different characters.” – Grade 9 English Student
“I found the exploration of why we can’t or can accept other people useful. It taught me that I can judge people without even knowing it. This activity opened my eyes out to the world.” – Grade 11 Leadership Student
“I never knew it was that big of a deal, but now I think it’s very important for everyone to look at one another the same.” – Grade 11 Leadership Student
We love receiving student reviews, projects, videos and other responses inspired by our workshops! Please send to the attention of Jessica Greenberg, Director of Youth and Community Engagement, at 19 Madison Ave, Third Floor, Toronto, ON, M5R 2S2 or via e-mail to