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Studio 180 IN CLASS Application
Because we know resources are at a premium for our schools, and accessibility is one of our top priorities, Studio 180 Theatre is offering a limited number of our three-session workshops at a highly subsidized rate. This is possible thanks to the generous support of the Aubrey and Marla Dan Foundation, BridgeWater Family Wealth Services, Gwen and Richard Harvey, Patrick and Barbara Keenan and Family, and Diane and Jim King.
Contact Name (First and Last)
Contact Email
School Name
School Board
Subject of study of the class for which you are applying
Grade level of the class for which you are applying
I am interested in
A workshop around A Pulbic Display of Affection
A workshop around a work IN DEVELOPMENT
A Finding Your Voice workshop: Identity, Culture & Community
A Finding Your Voice workshop: The Monologue
A Finding Your Voice workshop: Devised Creation
A Finding Your Voice workshop: Spoken Word Poetry
A Reclaiming Black Canadian History Workshop
A customized workshop
Please tell us why your students will benefit from this opportunity and what you hope they will gain from the Studio 180 IN CLASS experience (max 150 words)